Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What idols?

An idol is something that comes between us and God. In fact, an idol can take the place of God in our lives. Idols distract us from what really matters and what is really important.

We all have them in our lives. For us to say we have none is a lie and we are living in denial. There is always something that keeps us from focusing on God first and foremost 24/7/365. There may be times we are single-minded and focused on him and His Word. But, there is always something that catches our eye (mind, emotions, choices, etc.) more than the rest. 

An idol can be an area of weakness in our lives. It can lead us astray. That's a problem. 

So, how about you?

257 What sidetracks you from God? List at least three things in your journal:

258 What can you do to keep the distractions to a minimal? List at least 5 ways:

Some examples of idols are: Food, busyness, work, sex, reading, writing, exercise, etc. It's when they get to an addictive form, or when they consume us, we need to take drastic measures. While I am not saying to give these up necessarily, I am saying to know when they keep you from focusing on God. Bring God into them instead or refrain. You might want to fast from them for a while. Or, you might just need to be mindful. That is the most likely. Just be aware of when they turn you from God and why. Then, try to include God in on them. If you cannot, then give up that activity as much as you are able. 

Food is the one exception. We need food to survive. Eat healthier and that will help with that idol. 

Is this clear?

Stacy Duplease
Bible Study Writer & Blogger
A Loyal Faith

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