Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Countdown, NaNoWriMo, and Writing Resources for NaNoWriMo

11 days, ladies and gentlemen. 11 days!

Here are a couple of writing resources for NaNoWriMo for you:

Stacy Duplease
Inspirational Historical Romance Author
A timeless kind of love... 
My historical fiction blog & latest book information: Where to find my upcoming books
Journaling Chronicle: Weekend journaling

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

NaNoWriMo Writers: A Writing Resource: A Publishing Opportunity with Smashwords: A MUST READ

I will write a great deal more about this tomorrow...

Do you want to publish your NaNoWriMo book as you go--and after you are finished writing it? Check out the link below for Smashwords.

Yes. You can self-publish and then submit your book to publishers and have it published later under a publisher. 

This is recommended to self-publish, so you can start a platform and make your writing more salable and publishers will like how you are already marketing your book. So, you might want to do this with Smashwords.

Stacy Duplease
Inspirational Historical Romance Author
A timeless kind of love... 
My historical fiction blog & latest book information: Where to find my upcoming books
My writing fiction & NaNoWriMo blog: Where to find my upcoming books
Journaling Chronicle: Weekend journaling

Where to find my upcoming books

I have two books in the works right now:

~ "Christmas Chronicles"
~ "Jamestown Passage" (My NaNoWriMo Book)

In the upcoming weeks, I will publish them in e-book form at the following link. As they are being written, I will allow you to read them for free. Just remember the clause--that it's in the most rough form possible.

Then, once they are edited, I will offer them there to be purchased at a minimal fee. 

Smashwords is an amazing company which will allow you to choose from multiple formats for your e-book. This includes Amazon Kindle. Also, they will offer my books to be available at other places, Barnes & Noble as an example.

Stay tuned. 

Here is where to find the books and all future writing I do:

Note: There is nothing listed at the moment. However, there will be. I will keep you updated.

Stacy Duplease
Inspirational Historical Romance Author
A timeless kind of love... 
Journaling Chronicle: Weekend journaling

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nora Roberts and her success: Writing Resource and Inspiration

It doesn't matter if you like Nora Roberts or romance novels, you have to admit Nora Roberts and her writing is amazing.

She has this book coming out on 01 November:

It isn't even on the market and the book has been in the top 100 bestselling books on Amazon Kindle. How is that for a feat? I find that impressive.

But, it gets better. 

It's been in the top 100 for 21 days now. 

But, wait. It still gets better, 

She has two other books in the top 100 bestselling list for Amazon Kindle. 

I think as writers, no matter the genre, could learn a great deal from her. It just takes some study and analyzing. If you want to ever sell books for a living, she has lessons we should heed. We can learn from her and what she does--along with how she writes. 

Check out her website at:

Stacy Duplease
Inspirational Historical Romance Author
A timeless kind of love... 

Writing Resource and NaNoWriMo Advice

Check this out. There's some really good advice found in this blog post:

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Author
A timeless kind of love... 
My historical fiction blog & latest book information: Keep an eye on my writing blog
My writing fiction & NaNoWriMo blog: 13 days until NaNoWriMo
Journaling Chronicle: Weekend journaling

Book Cover and other preparations for novel writing

It does not matter where you are in your preparation for your novel for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). There are a few steps to always take when you are coming up with an idea for a novel. You might want to grab a journal and go through each of these points one by one.

1 What is the title of your novel? (Even if it is a temporary one.) 
2 What genre is it? 
3 What is a sentence summary and hook for the book?
4 What is a two-sentence summary for the book?
5 What is a four-sentence summary for the book?
6 What is a paragraph summary for the book?
7 What is a two-paragraph summary for the book?
8 What is a three-paragraph summary for the book?
9 What is the back cover (one-page) for the book?
10 Design your front cover. 
11 Start to make an outline.
12 If you have the time, expand your outline and include more subpoints. 

Type and print all of the above out and carry with you at all times for inspiration.

So, where are you in the planning process? 

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Author
A timeless kind of love... 
My historical fiction blog & latest book information: Keep an eye on my writing blog
Journaling Chronicle: Weekend journaling

13 days until NaNoWriMo

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is in 13 days.

How is your preparation coming?

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Author
A timeless kind of love... 
My historical fiction blog & latest book information: Keep an eye on my writing blog
Journaling Chronicle: Weekend journaling

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekend journaling

Happy Monday. So, what did you do this weekend?

Did you have an enjoyable weekend? Memorable? Relaxing? 

What are the fall leaves doing where you live? 

Journal what you did, what it meant to you, what you would want to remember late and why, and where you are in your life today. 

What do you look forward to this week and why?

What memories do you hope to make this week?

What are your goals this week? 

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Author
A timeless kind of love... 

My historical fiction blog & latest book information: Check out my new blog
My writing fiction & NaNoWriMo blog: NaNoWriMo Countdown: Do it

NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month Begins 01 November

14 days and counting...

I am getting excitedly nervous. I wish it was today. I am at the hurry up and wait phase and want to get this story started. So, I guess I will keep adding more and more sub-points to my outline.

Are you ready? Getting closer? Or are you still searching for either the idea, the nerve to write a novel, or both? 

Just write. It's that simple. You can do it. All you need to do is put in the time and make the commitment.

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Author
A timeless kind of love... 
My historical fiction blog & latest book information: Check out my new blog
My writing fiction & NaNoWriMo blog: NaNoWriMo Countdown: Do it