I have decided to make it my goal to read classic novels in 2013. Who knows. I might decide to do it after 2013 as well. We shall see.
That being said, you need to know that for the most part, I have not read the Classics since high school. So, it has been a couple of decades. Therefore, this is a loftier ambition than it might sound.
I have no idea how many I will read, but will only read only the Classics. Also, they have to be $5 or less for each book. Preferably, the books will be free.
My classics odyssey will start with LES MISERABLES by Victor Hugo.
I will journal about it, by the way.
Does anyone else Want to join me on this Odyssey? You read what you want and journal about it, too.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
Saturday, December 29, 2012
My New Writing Space and Desk
I am so excited! I finally have my new desk set-up exactly the way I want it (thanks to my husband). The desk, printer tray/shelf, and monitor stands are new and all my favorite inspirational knick-knacks are on my desk as well. And, there's still plenty of room for cat to explore, walk all over, and lay on if he so desires.
This is where I do a lot of journaling and writing. My sofa is the next most likely place--and then a coffee shop.
~ Stacy Duplease
Stacy Duplease,
Writing Space
The weekend
I hope everyone has a nice, relaxing, memorable, blessed, and journaling weekend!
Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
Journalkeeper & Author
My Storykeeper Odyssey in 2013: Journaling & Memoir
Email: storykeeper2121@gmail.com
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Storykeeper 2121
Friday, December 28, 2012
What are your journaling plans for 2013? A journaling exercise or prompt
So, what are your journaling plans for 2013?
What do you want to work on?
What is your dream?
What are your goals?
What do you hope to accomplish?
What do you hope to change?
What do you want to focus on in 2013?
How will your journal help 2013 be your best year yet? (And every year thereafter, may it also be said that it is the greatest year of your life yet.)
Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
Journalkeeper & Author
My Storykeeper Odyssey in 2013: Journaling & Memoir
Email: storykeeper2121@gmail.com
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Storykeeper 2121
Happy Friday, Everyone! I hope you have a memorable, relaxing, and journaling weekend!
Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
Journalkeeper & Author
My Storykeeper Odyssey in 2013: Journaling & Memoir
Email: storykeeper2121@gmail.com
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Storykeeper 2121
My Storykeeper Odyssey in 2013
MY 2013 GOAL
To get all of my life's memories and stories on the page. (Yes. All of them.)
This is the name of a journaling series, a blog post series, and book(s) I am writing in 2013: MY STORYKEEPING ODYSSEY IN 2013.
It is the story of me journaling my story, through storykeeping, in 2013. Storykeeping is more than a memoir. It's a journaling memoir, with the recognition of how my life has been shaped not only by what I have experienced, but by other stories. People (and their stories), places, and things/objects also have shaped who I am, along with ancestry, history, and current events. This is storykeeping. Put it all together, and you get: MY STORYKEEPING ODYSSEY IN 2013.
I will also write the book as a Journaling Exercise or Prompt book for people to get their own stories on the page--and perhaps write their memoir as well--through storykeeping.
Don't worry. My personal journaling will have all of my memories. I will share just a few in the blog post series--and in my memoir as a storykeeper.
My Daily Word Count Goal (Monday-Friday at least):
1,000 words (That would be a total of 260,000 words in a year. That's too much material for one book. My guess is it will be 2 books.)
1 I want to get all of my memories down on the page in order to leave a legacy.
2 I want to explore my story and how, whether I realized it or not, how it's been impacted because of my family tree.
3 Faith has shaped my life. I want to explore this.
4 Patriotism has also influenced my life. I also want to explore this.
5 History has shaped my life. This is something else I want to explore.
6 People, places, events, objects/things have shaped my life and I also want to explore these angles.
7 I have lived a life of many experiences and even hardships at times, and have come through to the other side--where I can thank the Lord for all of them. I have no regrets. I am who I am because of what has happened to me. I have learned so much and want to share what I've learned through evaluated experience.
8 To share.
~ Stacy Duplease
Thursday, December 27, 2012
I am tired: My personal journaling
I am exhausted and have no idea why. I have not felt the best today and wonder if I am trying to come down with something or fight something off. It is more than because of weather or time of year.
My dog also started to act clingy again, so here I sit on the sofa so he can snuggle and I can try to get some writing and journaling done. (What a sweet boy.)
Hmm. I just came up with a brilliant idea and acted on it. I grabbed a cup of hot tea: Sleepytime Green Tea. Maybe that will help me feel better. It could happen.
Now, I hope to get some uninterrupted journaling done.
Here comes the cat now. I think he wants attention. And Sinan is all cat. He will be a total pest until I comply with his will. Maybe if I do not make eye contact. That works some of the time, after all. Hopefully it will this time.
Hey, it worked! Yay! He just went upstairs.
Now, let us try the journaling thing for real this time. I write as I yawn.
Why is it whenever you want to have a deep session of journaling, there are interruptions or it suddenly becomes quite easy to get sidetracked? Have you noticed that? I know I sure have.
I am still quite tired and am having difficulty concentrating and focusing.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
My dog also started to act clingy again, so here I sit on the sofa so he can snuggle and I can try to get some writing and journaling done. (What a sweet boy.)
Hmm. I just came up with a brilliant idea and acted on it. I grabbed a cup of hot tea: Sleepytime Green Tea. Maybe that will help me feel better. It could happen.
Now, I hope to get some uninterrupted journaling done.
Here comes the cat now. I think he wants attention. And Sinan is all cat. He will be a total pest until I comply with his will. Maybe if I do not make eye contact. That works some of the time, after all. Hopefully it will this time.
Hey, it worked! Yay! He just went upstairs.
Now, let us try the journaling thing for real this time. I write as I yawn.
Why is it whenever you want to have a deep session of journaling, there are interruptions or it suddenly becomes quite easy to get sidetracked? Have you noticed that? I know I sure have.
I am still quite tired and am having difficulty concentrating and focusing.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
My library of journals--cont.: My personal journal
Every person is unique and complex.
Every journal is much the same.
If I were to write enough journals to fill a library, what a unique and complex creation it would be.
I have a place in this world. My journaling reflects where I have been, are, and am headed.
I love the thought of having a journal library. Maybe it is because between paper journals and digital journaling, I already have enough to fill at least two sets of 6-foot bookcases. But, maybe it is what a library represents to me that I like to think of creating a journal library.
A library is a place that holds millions of books. Each book represents a new world to explore. Needless to say, the same is true with each journal. They represent endless possibilities, colorful imagination, and exploration.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
Every journal is much the same.
If I were to write enough journals to fill a library, what a unique and complex creation it would be.
I have a place in this world. My journaling reflects where I have been, are, and am headed.
I love the thought of having a journal library. Maybe it is because between paper journals and digital journaling, I already have enough to fill at least two sets of 6-foot bookcases. But, maybe it is what a library represents to me that I like to think of creating a journal library.
A library is a place that holds millions of books. Each book represents a new world to explore. Needless to say, the same is true with each journal. They represent endless possibilities, colorful imagination, and exploration.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
A Library of Journaling: My Personal Journaling
My goal before I die is to have enough journals to fill an entire library (even if it is a digital library).
While it might sound silly, it's still true.
Why do I want to do this?:
1 Because I have lived--and have lived well, by choice, intentionally, and purposefully.
2 I don't want to live a mindless life.
3 I want to appreciate each day.
4 I want to remember.
5 I want to share my experiences. Been there, done that kind of thing.
6 I want to keep a record of what God has done in my life.
7 I want to live a memorable life.
8 I like libraries.
9 Why not?
10 All of our stories connect and intertwine.
11 I want to get it down on the page so I can evaluate my experiences.
12 I want to make sure I learn the lessons of my life.
~ Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Storykeeper
How to Do a Mind Map in List Form
Do you know how to do a mind map--or what that is? Check out this link if you have no idea what I am talking about or how to do it:
This blog post is on how to do the lazy person's version. It's the mind map simplified you might say.
It's like doing a SOC (Stream of Consciousness) Journaling, or Free Association, but it's in list form.
* Figure out a word you want to focus on and journal more about at this time. It can be anything really.
* Write the word at the top of a page in your journal.
* Then, write any word or short phrase that comes to mind after that word.
* Keep writing words or short phrases as they come to mind, as long as it applies to the original word.
* When you get stuck and cannot figure out what else to write, re-read your original word.
* Do this for ten minutes or more.
* Then, pick another word from this original list and do a Mind Map List of it.
* Make sure to journal about each of the words you used in this list. There is a reason why they came to mind and why they came to mind when they did.
Old year
New Year is 2013
Tough year was 2012
Lots of news
Summer Olympics
Aurora Movie Theater Shooting
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
Andy Griffith died
Kate Middleton is pregnant
Whitney Houston died--shocker, but not
12 months
2 visits
Busy year
Recommitted to journaling
Hurricane Sandy
TV Shows Revenge, Grimm, Once Upon a Time
Neil Armstrong died
Felix Baumgartner and his jump (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Baumgartner)
Kindle Fire HD 4G
Samsung iii
Tim Tebow
Payton Manning
Denver Broncos
Storykeeper 2121 blog
Family Tree
You get the idea. That's how to do a mind map list.
A Review Day
Take some time today to have a Review Day of your journaling in 2012.
If at all possible, do a review of 2012 until 31 December 2012.
Here is where to find the information as to how to review your journaling for 2012:
~ Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Storykeeper
If at all possible, do a review of 2012 until 31 December 2012.
Here is where to find the information as to how to review your journaling for 2012:
~ Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Storykeeper
Priorities and 2012 and 2013: A journaling exercise or prompt
* List the priorities in your life for the year 2012.
* Put them in priority order. Number them.
* Go through each item and review and analyze how you lived up to keeping it it your life. What did you do well in keeping it a priority--and in its rightful order? What did you not do so well?
* What would you want to improve next year? What will you want to repeat next year? What do you want to change for next year?
* What are your priorities for 2013--in numerical and priority order?
* Why is each item your priority?
~ Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper, Writer, & Author
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Letter from your journal about 2012 journaling exercise and prompt
If your journal could write you a letter, what would it say to you about your 2012?
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
How to get the most out of your journaling
Do you want to know the secret about how to get the most out of your journaling?
The answer is simple: Journal every single day.
Journal as often as you can throughout the day.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
The answer is simple: Journal every single day.
Journal as often as you can throughout the day.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
One of a kind journal and journaling
Do you know what I love about journaling? Well, besides everything, this is what I love:
Each journal is one of a kind.
Every journal entry is unique.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
Each journal is one of a kind.
Every journal entry is unique.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
Write a letter to your journal journaling exercise or prompt and 2013 preparation
Before 2012 ends, take some time to do this journaling exercise or prompt in preparation for 2013.
Write a letter to your journal and tell it what you expect of it for the year 2013. Be very specific and thorough.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
Write a letter to your journal and tell it what you expect of it for the year 2013. Be very specific and thorough.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
2012 Journaling: A journaling exercise or prompt
Think of your journaling in 2012.
* What do you think of your journaling overall in 2012?
* What does your journal mean to you?
* Describe your 2012 journaling.
* What did you like most about your journal in 2012?
* Did you journal enough in 2012?
* What do you want to do more of in your journaling in 2012?
* Who, besides you, did you journal most about in 2012?
* Where did you journal in 2012?
* When do you journal the most?
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
* What do you think of your journaling overall in 2012?
* What does your journal mean to you?
* Describe your 2012 journaling.
* What did you like most about your journal in 2012?
* Did you journal enough in 2012?
* What do you want to do more of in your journaling in 2012?
* Who, besides you, did you journal most about in 2012?
* Where did you journal in 2012?
* When do you journal the most?
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
30-Days of the Memory Launch Pad Class
30-Days of the Memory Launch Pad Class
This is a class or seminar that I will have as a blog post series on my blog and as a series of discussion here:
Official Website:
Official Community: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/113054405863121223338
Official Description:
This is a 30-Day focus of getting as many of our memories on the page as possible.
Sign up on the community link just listed.
There will be a weekly blog post about what to review from the previous week and what to do this week.
Also, at the community, there will be discussion questions and more journaling exercises or prompts.
You will also want to sign up on the community for each monthly event in 2013. This will help you get all of your memories on the page.
Week 1 Strongest Memories
Week 2 Decades
Week 3 People
Week 4 Objects & Places
This is part of the 2013 Storykeeper Odyssey Class. Nonetheless, even if you are not part of the 2013 class, you can still participate in this January class.
2013 Storykeeper Odyssey: Writing Our Memories Class
2013 Storykeeper Odyssey: Writing Our Memories Class
My personal goal for 2013 is to get all of my memories down on the page.
My professional goal for 2013 is to help others get all of their memories down on the page in their journal and then as a memoir.
Hence, the 2013 Storykeeper Odyssey: Writing Our Memories.
This will be a discussion topic in my Google+ community, but will also be a blog post series on my blog.
The year of 2013 will focus on writing all of our memories on the page so we can leave a legacy and start to look at writing our memoirs. It will be a year of evaluated experiences and seeing what we have learned from our memories and how they've shaped our lives.
As we journal our memories, we will first journal about them. Then, we will turn them into a memoir that you either share or keep for yourself.
As we journal our memories, we will first journal about them. Then, we will turn them into a memoir that you either share or keep for yourself.
Join us at any time. You don't have to start on 01 January.
Official website: http://storykeeper2121.blogspot.com
Official Community: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/113054405863121223338
Sign up on the community link just listed.
There will be a weekly blog post about what to review from the previous week and what to do this week.
Also, at the community, there will be discussion questions and more journaling exercises or prompts.
You will also want to sign up on the community for each monthly event in 2013. This will help you get all of your memories on the page.
Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
Journalkeeper & Author
The Remembering Your Present Journal Keeping Series
Storykeeper 2121 Blog and Website: http://storykeeper2121.blogspot.com
Email: storykeeper2121@gmail.com
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Storykeeper 2121
Journaling Preparation for 2013: A journaling exercise or prompt
I recommend starting with a new journal on 01 January 2013. If you need to buy one, do. If you do digital journaling, start a new journal now as you do this journaling exercise or prompt.
One the first page of your journal, write the following:
* Your name
* Write the date: January 2013
* Your 1-word theme for 2013
* Your 6-word theme for 2013
* Your 6-word goal for 2013
* Your inspirational quote for 2013
* Your goal for January 2013
* Your inspirational quote for January 2013
Journaling Tip or Hint: Do this for every month you journal as well as for each new journal.
~ Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Storykeeper
6-Word Goal for 2013: A journaling exercise or prompt
Write a 6-word goal for 2013 in your life and in your journaling. You may need to write one for each--or maybe one will cover both.
~ Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper, Writer, Author, & Storykeeper
One-Word & 6-Word Summaries of 2012: A journaling prompt or exercise
* Write an 1-word summary for 2012.
* Write a 6-word summary for 2012.
~ Stacy Duplease
This is a list of the blog post series and google+ Journaling and Storykeeping community events for all of 2013, as well as for each month of 2013:
* 2013 Storykeeper Odyssey: Writing Our Memories
* January 30-Days of the Memory Launch Pad (Lists)
* February 30-Days of Years
* March 30-Days of Your Strongest Memories
* April 30-Days of A Healing Balm for Your Past
* May 30-Days of Focusing on Your Marriage
* June 30-Days of Focusing on Your Parents
* July 30-Days of Objects
* August 30-Days of Focusing on Your Grandparents
* September 30-Days of Family and Friends
* October 30-Days of Places
* November 30-Days of Dreams and Goals
* December 30-Days of Future Memories and Planning
The goal of each month is to get all of our memories on the page and listed in our journals in 2013 so we can leave a legacy that's remembered in 2013 and beyond.
My look back at 2012: Personal journaling
2012 was a big year for me.
If I were to look at it from the outside looking in, I might wonder at
first if it was a wasted year. It would seem so at first blush. Then
again, for the same reason, I would say, that when looking in from the
outside, that the years 2001 to 2012 could be perceived as wasted.
Don't worry. I will explain. Just remember that first impressions are
often wrong and are misunderstood.
So, why was 2012 a big year in my life?
I learned the truth about my family tree and that has completely
shifted and changed my life. I had three family members come through,
and live in or near, Jamestown in 1607. I had 35+ in or near Jamestown
as of 1640. I live near Jamestown.
That is just the tip of the iceberg. I also have ancestral ties to the
Tudors, the Plantagenets, Constantine, Nero, etc. I also had two
family members on the Mayflower.
Also, my family has fought in every war and had 38+ in the War of
Independence alone with one father and his 12 sons included in that
To say I come from a patriotic family is a grave understatement.
No one in my family had any idea. And we were all patriotic before we
learned the truth. Who knew?
Also, we have been Christian for the most part... excluding Nero and a
couple of others. But, since coming to here in the USA, we have been a
family of faith.
This has changed my perception of my life and has transformed my life entirely.
Then, the elections have had a dramatic impact on my life. I refuse to
go into politics here now. But, I will say that I am still grieving. I
no longer recognize the USA.
And then there was the Aurora Movie Theater Shooting in July. That is
home. My husband and I had just visited for two weeks and returned to
Virginia the week before.
Then, there was the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting.
How was 2012 not the best year?
As I said earlier, if I stood on the outside and looked in over the
last year, as well as the last 11, I might get the impression they
were wasted years. Why? Let me explain how this perception is easy to
get, but is wrong.
In 2001, I determined to live my dream and become a full-time writer.
I even dropped out of the seminary and getting my graduate degree to
do so. (Which I have never regretted for even a second.)
I worked full-time and wrote full-time for 8.5 of those years.
Finally, in 2009 I published three books. Then four in 2011. Then four in 2012.
I wrote over 250 books in that time in those eleven years, but only
published a total of 11 books. None of the 250 books felt right, other
than the eleven.
I wanted to publish multiple and make a living writing.
I also kept spinning my wheels trying to figure out what genre I
wanted to write...and at no avail.
Then, the elections happened and sent my world reeling and spinning.
The truth was and is I abhor the country we are now and the country we
are now. But, I realize there is still no better country.
So, I determined to stop writing fiction and only do journaling and
memoir writing on 14 November 2012 and I have not looked back. I am
pouring everything I have and am into the dream. I am journaling,
working on my memoir, leaving a legacy, and teaching others to do the
same. This is everything to me. This is my dream.
Were the last eleven years wasted? I think not. I have found, and am
living, my dream.
But it took a lot of experiences and heartache to bring me here.
So long 2012. You were one of the most influential years of my life.
Welcome 2013. It is the year of MEMORIES and writing my first memoir.
Journaling is the first step.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
(Image Credit: Stacy Duplease)
2013 Dream: A journaling exercise or prompt
* What dream do you want to accomplish in 2013? Why? How?
* What goals do you need to set in order to make your dream come true?
Make sure to put the dream and each goal in your planner or schedule
in order to bring the dream and goals to pass.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
* What dream do you want to accomplish in 2013? Why? How?
* What goals do you need to set in order to make your dream come true?
Make sure to put the dream and each goal in your planner or schedule
in order to bring the dream and goals to pass.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
2013 One word theme journaling exercise or prompt
Let us take some time over the next five days to prepare for the year 2013.
One of the ways to do this is to come up with an one-word theme you
want to focus on for the year.
It can be something you want to do, change, or focus on for the year.
Jot down some ideas until you know precisely which one word you want
to focus on this year.
When you do come up with the one word, put it on the very first page
of every journal you create that year. And make sure daily, weekly,
monthly, and quarterly to focus on your one word theme. Also, review
and see how he word changes your life in 2013.
My one word theme for 2013 is MEMORIES. That is what I want to focus
on and pursue.
Please tell me yours. Add a comment to the end of this blog post,
sense an email, or tell me on my Google+ community. I would love to
hear yours!
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
Let us take some time over the next five days to prepare for the year 2013.
One of the ways to do this is to come up with an one-word theme you
want to focus on for the year.
It can be something you want to do, change, or focus on for the year.
Jot down some ideas until you know precisely which one word you want
to focus on this year.
When you do come up with the one word, put it on the very first page
of every journal you create that year. And make sure daily, weekly,
monthly, and quarterly to focus on your one word theme. Also, review
and see how he word changes your life in 2013.
My one word theme for 2013 is MEMORIES. That is what I want to focus
on and pursue.
Please tell me yours. Add a comment to the end of this blog post,
sense an email, or tell me on my Google+ community. I would love to
hear yours!
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
It’s Time for Your Word of the Year
This is really good.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
One of those days: Personal journaling
It looks like today is one of those days.
My Beagle, Zack, is acting like he has a belly ache or gas and will
not leave me alone today. He is almost 13 and definitely acts like his
mind is going, I am afraid. There are times he demands a lot of
attention. It is like he forgets he just got some attention and
forgets we are here. He also gets jumpy and flighty. Poor guy. It can
be upsetting for us both.
So, I am suck on the couch with my Amazon Kindle Fire HE 4G and will
try to get journaling and blogging done here.
I cannot do Google+ stuff, though. My cell is having issues. Ugh.
There is a reason. I know that. And I would not trade the snuggling
time with the dog.
I just wish he felt better.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
The day after Christmas: Preparing for the New Year
It's the day after Christmas and I am in the process of getting back into everything--blog, google+ communities, journaling, etc. As I mentioned in the previous blog post, I even took some time off from journaling.
Now, you need to know something. I usually do not take any time off from journaling--unless there has been some type of emergency. But, even then, I try to journal right through it. Hence, this was rare for me. It was hard. I knew what I was missing and I felt it. However, do I need to tell you how much sweeter it is to open my journal (metaphorically--since I do online journaling)?
I realize how much I needed some time off where I didn't do much of anything. I was pretty worthless and it felt great.
We could not make it home for the holidays this year, but will be back home to Denver in the first third of 2012. Therefore, Christmas was just me and he. It was nice. We went for a drive along the Colonial Parkway and were able to see these Christmas swans:

That was a real treat and what I call a hug from God.
Then, we started a new Christmas tradition: We watched the movie, THE SOUND OF MUSIC.
The swans and the movie made our time very memorable for me. Then again, we also watched a couple cowboy movies and that made it memorable, too.
So, how was your time off and Christmas? What did you do that was memorable or what happened that was memorable?
Now, it's time for us to turn our eyes to the New Year
~ Stacy Duplease
(Image Credit: Stacy Duplease)
~ Stacy Duplease
(Image Credit: Stacy Duplease)
While it is true that I journal every day, I also think that it is imperative to take some time off from everything every now and then--and I mean everything. I call it my extended Sabbath and/or vacation. It is important to refuel and recharge.
The last few months have been a busy time for my husband and me. Actually, busy does not quite cut it in description. We have been slammed. We have barely had time to breathe.
Needless to say, we have taken some desperately needed time off from everything. It has been quite delightful for this four day weekend. We have been able to sit on our rears and watch movies, read, enjoy one another's company, and relax. That has been a blessing.
I even took time off from journaling. Gulp. Yep. I sure have. I needed it, believe it or not. Time off from everything is sometimes more important so we can put more of our heart and soul into things later. This was one of those times.
That being said, it was not easy. I have felt a chunk of my heart was missing because I took time off from journaling. But, it was worth it. Do you want to know why? It's because I have more to offer my journaling this next week. I will be refreshed and ready to tackle preparation for the New Year.
(Written on Christmas Day)
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
(Image Credit: Microsoft Online Images)
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
The Journey of a Journal
The best journey we can go on in our lives is in our journals. It is the best exploration we can do and is worth every moment.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)
A Change of Life
A journal can change your life--if you let it.
The question is, will you? Will you let your journal change you? Will you do what it takes to let your journal change your life?
Journaling, every day, as much as possible--and reviewing and evaluating your experiences and lessons learned is the key.
-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online)
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