Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Storykeeper Odyssey in 2013 Journal: My Office

2012-12-19 15:35:42

I forgot to mention that in my office, where I do my online journaling, is my large turtle tank and there is a dog bed. The cat typically comes and goes whenever he wants and typically lounges as my feet, by the dog, or on my desk--as he watches the turtles. 

I am in the process of getting rid of some older office furniture. The old stuff is a desk with a WALL unit. A BIG wall unit. A gig, heavy, mammoth, take-up-all-sorts-of-space wall unit. So, I want to go with smaller furniture, and get rid of books, so I can use a smaller bedroom in the future--and just flat-dab have room to breathe--where I feel less suffocated. 

Over the weekend, we got my new desk--after driving 3+ hours each way to Ikea. It's 3 inches larger in length and half an inch larger in width, but it looks like it take up less room, believe it or not. One, it's a lighter color wood. Two, it isn't as bulky. Between now and July, we will get new bookshelves/cases and a large dresser and a narrow dresser--so I can have drawer space. 

Already, my office is a great deal larger. I got rid of two book cases and lots of books--and that was before my new desk. But, we moved my new desk into a different position and I have fallen in love with my office. I didn't care for my office the way it was. Don't worry, I will attach pictures to my blog soon so you can see before and after shots--before we get the rest of the new furniture., of course, I will add shots of the final product at that point in time.

I find it amazing how much fo a difference the new desk has made, let alone getting rid of the two bookcases. I feel freer to write and journal. I no longer feel like I am being strangled. Honestly, I wonder if that's why this year has been such a challenge at pints. 2012 has definitely been a year of growth. It's been a good year overall, but my writing and journaling suffered. I wonder if my office set-up was part of the reason, silly as it might sound.

The animals like the new set-up as well. The cat loves all the space on my new desk. It's configured differently and I have a lot more desk space and areas for the cat to explore. So, he approves.

Zack Beagle's dog bed is closer to me and not on the other side of the room. This is something he approves of greatly and his buzz saw snores confirm this is the case as I type this in my journal.

The turtles like the new configuration as well. why? I face them so they can see me and I can see them--if I look beyond my monitors. 

Ahh... Yes. What else is new on my desk? I have a large desk shelf, in the matching brown-gray wood, that holds my printer, cell phone booster, internet box, and stereo speaker--so all of that is off of my desk and provides more room for storage. (And for the cat to hide in and explore). 

My keyboard has its own sliding pull-out and is off my desk. So, that provides more work-space on the desk. 

I also have two new desk lights that I can adjust in any direction and get the light right where I want them to aim. 

I have two monitors for my PC on my desk at the moment. But, my husband bought me a multi-screen mount we will install this weekend so the monitors will get off my desk as well. So, that will provide even more room for me to work. (Gotta love that man!) That will give me about four-feet more of space, by the way. 

As it is, I've been able to set several books on top of my desk. They are journaling and memoir writing books. They provide inspiration, as well as all the other books I have on my Amazon Kindle Fire. 

My color theme is purple--any shade from medium to dark--including the silvery purple plum color. My curtains are purple and I have a purple skirt on one side of the buffet that the turtle tank sits on top of--and the wood of the buffet and my new desk match each other in the gray-brown Ikea color.

Needless to say, I feel freer to write and am loving it! 

2012-12-19 16:07:16

Note: I also add the date and time stamp when I need to break up my thought. It gives me a moment's pause and allows me to transition and think.

I shake my head as I think of everything I just said about my office. I had no idea I was going to write all of that. I cannot help but chuckle and shake my head. 

On my desk, I always have a glass of water and half the day, a mug of coffee. I also have a circle of green glass from the Jamestown Glassblower, a smaller green glass circle with the letters "AA" on it (stand for Arthur Allen, my relative from Bacon's Castle and it's the seal from his wine bottles), a mug I got at the Yorktown Battlefield, a couple of scripture plaques, and a feather pen box made of metal and is quite heavy. Oh! I also have a tea cup from Shirley Plantation and a mug from Berkeley Plantation. There are two place-mats as well to keep my desk safe from scratching and to provide some color. 

I am an IKEA junkie. I LOVE the store. My husband and I have been to Ikea three times in five months--and it's a 3 hour drive each way. Sheesh. We are crazy, what can I say? 

What I love most about Ikea is how the furniture is made to take up little space, but be high in storage space. It's functional and durable. Hence, if you have a small space or a large one, the size of the furniture makes for room to move around and breathe. Never mind how I love the style of the furniture. 

2012-12-19 16:31:17

Again, I cannot help but shake my head. I had no idea I was going to journal that. Huh. Interesting. Where did all that come from, I wonder. 

I am trying to help you get to know me in the present so as I tell you my stories, you have a sense of who I have become and where I am headed. 

~ Stacy Duplease

(Photo Credit: Stacy Duplease)

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