Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bible resources

In order for us to be able to do Bible study, we need certain resources. We need those resources to we are able to do it to begin with and in order to get the most out of it. 

Before we start the actual Bible study portion, I want to share with you where to get the most resources and where to get them for free--at no cost. There is a catch, though. These resources are only found online. You will need a computer, tablet, or cell phone in order to access them. 

Let me state now how fortunate we are that this is the case. When I was 19, I started to become a serious Bible student. I was in college and paid my way through school, so I did not ahve much money. However, I would save and in time I would be able to buy these resources. I have most of them now and can testify they cost me a couple hundred dollars (more actually) and weighed almost 50 pounds (no exaggeration). Plus, they took up an entire bookshelf of space. If I wanted to carry them with me, if could be expensive if lost, stolen, or damaged--never mind how heavy they were! 

Think about it: 
A A Blank journal
B Pen
C Folder for other loose-leaf sheets
D 3 to 5 different Bibles
E 2+ Bible dictionaries
F 2+ Bible encyclopedias
G Exhaustive Concordance
H 2+ Commentaries
I Bible study book
That means at the very least, you carried 13 books with you--in a large sturdy box--with the worry the bottom could give out at any time. (How many of us did that? More often than not, we would leave at elast half at that at home if we took them anywhere at all.) 

Why do I share this story?

We live in a very advantageous time. 

We have no excuse whatsoever to fail to do Bible study.

Let's look at the benefits of technology today regarding Bible study:
A It's free. No cost.
B We can access it 24/7/365.
C We can carry them with us at all times. 
D It does not weigh a thing.
E We can get multiple versions of the Bible, dictionaries, encyclopedias, commentaries, concordances, etc. 

So, where do we find these resources? 

Here are some examples. This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but my favorites are here. I will put them in order of my top personal favorites to my lesser favorite:

Stacy Duplease
Inspirational Historical Romance Author & Bible Study Writer
A timeless kind of love... and a loyal faith...

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