Monday, January 7, 2013

My Storykeeper Odyssey in 2013: My Personal Journaling

I remember several images from when I was to young to really understand, but can see images. 

I remember looking at my feet and being in the baby swing. 

I remember my dad bringing home diapers one night from the grocery store. He stopped off and got them on the way home from work. 

I remember my blankets (my blankeys) and my bottle.

I remember when my dad but my baby bottles into glasses. 

I remember my Golden Retriever, Sunny, begging as I ate in my highchair.

I remember Sunny as a puppy.

I remember helping my dad wash his car. 

I remember sitting in a wading pool out front of our house, drinking from my bottle.

I remember Sunny eating holes in our backyard wooden fence. 

Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
* My Storykeeper Odyssey in 2013: Journaling & Memoir
* The Journaling & Storykeeping Encyclopedia of 2013
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Storykeeper 2121

1 comment:

  1. What nice memories about the things your father did for you and the funny things your pets did.
