Thursday, January 10, 2013

Find what works

The biggest key with journaling is to find what works for you. So, experiment and find what inspires you to journal the most. It might take a while to find. Just keep trying and experimenting.

But, be warned. The moment you find what works for you can change. Be willing to change and adjust at all times. When you do need to adjust, so you will journal more, then experiment again.

Find what works for you today. Experiment until you find what it is and do it.

How do you know what works? The answer is simple. You should be inspired to journal for hours without batting an eye. You should write a page and it only seems like you wrote a sentence.

So, find what works for you today. Experiment until you do.

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author

1 comment:

  1. I am able to calm myself down when I journal. I may not be able to write for hours, but when I do write it's my time.
