Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Journaling is meant to be an all-inclusive part of your life. It's not meant to be something you do separate from any of the parts and pieces of your life. 

In other words, we always think that we need to do... fill in the blank... and then journal.

Or, we journal and then do... fill in the blank.

Isn't this where we go wrong?

Journaling is meant to be part of every single segment of your life. Journaling is life, after all. It's our thought, emotional, and spiritual life--all rolled into one. Therefore, whenever we try to segment our lives  we get it wrong. We need to include journaling in every part and in every segment. 

Journaling is all-inclusive. It's not exclusive. It's not instead of or in spite of. Journaling is meant to be included in all parts of our lives -just as our journaling includes all parts of our lives. 

I think once we change this perception in our minds, we will journal more and get more out of our journals. Hence, we will live more and get more out of our lives as well.

~ Stacy Duplease


  1. Indeed, I like how you expressed how inclusive journaling can actually be.

  2. Isn't it the truth, though? Journaling is a way of life--it's not meant to be something that gets in the way of our life, but flows with our life and is part of our life.

  3. Isn't it the truth, though? Journaling is a way of life--it's not meant to be something that gets in the way of our life, but flows with our life and is part of our life.
