Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why USAGC 2026?: Part 2

When I bought the book, "The Circle Maker," I had no idea it would be by far the best $11 I have spent in a long time. It will be a book I read over and over again--probably at least once a year. I cannot recommend it enough, needless to say. As a matter of fact, I think that if anyone ever decides to join me in this prayer campaign, I will make it suggested reading (I can't very well force anyone to read it, otherwise I would call it Required Reading.).

By the way, if you want to start reading the book, have a highlighter and your journal ready! Trust me. You will need them!

Oh! Here is one other layer. I keep up with the Christian publishing world and had not seen this book. When I bought the book, I somehow missed how 13 December 2011 was its release date. Now that I know that, I find this even more interesting. It adds to the story here and what God is doing in my life.

Then, God woke me up in the middle of the night Tuesday night. That was after I only got 4 hours of sleep the night before. Monday night, I tossed and turned and ended up reading for a while. I did not realize then that God was stirring. then, Tuesday night, I knew precisely what was going on--when I decided to read the book and see if it might help me go back to sleep. Not because it's a boring book (NO!!!), but because I have my body trained that if I am in bed reading, to get sleepy and go to sleep. Hah. It kept me up journaling for 3 hours. The sentence God opened with was:

What if I want you to stop writing?



Then, yesterday, after lots of prayer and reading the book, God got through to me. He told me about USAGC 2026. Now, here I am...

I hope you hear how this is so unlike me! It's quite terrifying. It goes against everything I am and have done for 18 years. It doesn't make sense on the surface (but, oh how it does underneath!). God can surely use millions of people far more qualified for this than me. I'm just Stacy. That's it. Nothing fancy. Just me. 

So, there is part of the background. There is more. Some of which is quite personal. In 6 months or less, I will tell you to come back to this blog post and will tell you more of what is going on in my life. Let me just say that God is working in some amazing, remarkable, befuddling ways. I can't help but chuckle and say, "'Kay."

There. Now you have it. That's the story of USAGC 2046.

God wants a commitment from me that stretches me in ways that are terrifying and dumbfounding. He wants a commitment from me that seems impossible. Then, he can show that he is God! 2026 is 25 years from now. 

Can the Great Commission be fulfilled in the USA in 25 years? Well, the Bible doesn't mention anything like that. Let's be real here. But, does that mean it won't? God can do anything--and I mean anything. I know how much of a miracle it would be, but yes. It's possible.

However... That being said... If only one person accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior in the next 25 years because of my prayers, it will have been worthwhile. More than. 

Nevertheless, I am going to pray now with everything I've got that the Great Commission will be brought to fruition in the United States of America by or on 31 December 2026. 

If that doesn't happen, I will then commit to 2051. If not then, I will commit to 2076--if I live that long! That's how much God wants me to get serious about his people... his lost sheep. 

And, how about you? Have you done anything crazy lately?

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior and Faithful Writer
USAGC 2026

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