Thursday, December 15, 2011

Announcement and News

I will explain more of this later today. However, for now, I need to let you know of my decision and a little bit about who I am.

As you know, I am Stacy. I am a writer, prayer warrior, blogger, author, and a prayer journalkeeper. I've dabble in writing a little bit of everything over the last 12 years--from fiction to non-fiction. From fantasy to Bible studies. From romance to spy thrillers.

However, I've decided to stop being mainly a writer. (I get goosebumps as I write this.) If you know anything about me, your mouth would be on the ground right about now. You would be convinced I lost my mind and would start praying for me--fearing I went off the deep-end and have suddenly changed everything about myself and who I am. Just like that. Snap of the fingers.You would also start praying for my husband as he deals with this change in his lunatic wife who has had a breakdown of some type. (There could be no other explanation.)

Reality: I am a writer. Period. It is part of who I am. I am NOT myself if I do not write. Period. End of story. I will write until the day I die.

As you guess, it's not what you think--or as I have led you to believe. 

It's true, though. I will tell you more of this story later today in a blog post titled: 'Why USAGC 2026?' Writing will become a secondary thing in my life. Prayer is now first. USAGC 2026 will take EVERYTHING I've got. It will become who I am. It's my new commitment to God. He's asked for something far bigger of me than little ol' me could ever do. 

I hope more people join me, of course. 

However, if no one does, I will still do this. 

I just made the announcement on all of my blogs that I am no longer writing fiction, Bible studies, etc. I will only write this blog and will pray. (But, not in that order.) In time, the blog posts of this blog will become books. But, it's just a natural result of me being obedient to the Lord and his Word.

This brings out lots of emotion in me. It's mostly good. Of course, I need to spend sometime now as I say goodbye to what was my dream... And turn the page to what God has called me to do with my life. 

There will be no other blogs. There will be no other books. This is it. Ever.


All I want to do is:
A Seek God.
B Live his Word.
C Pray without stopping.
D Meditate and ponder the Word morning, noon, and night (aka Praying the Word).
E Bring God maximum glory.
F Help others do the same as A-E.
G Fulfill the Great Commission in the USA on or by 31 December 2026.

To turn the page, I need to grieve the last one for a few minutes. Please excuse me while I go walk for 4 miles. (I am not joking.) Then, I will meet you back here in 2 hours or so.


Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior and Faithful Author
USAGC 2026

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