Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why USAGC 2026? How did it come about in the process?: The Back-Story: Part 1

(Please forgive me for writing a book here, but it is needed.)

I do not know about you, but I always like to know the back-story. I love to peek behind the curtain and see what happens behind the scenes. Consequently, in case you are like me, I wanted to let you know how USAGC 2026 came about and why. (Never mind how I thought anyone might find my story interesting so that you can see how God is at work in USAGC 2026--in spite of me.)

I hope this story might help you to decide to make a deeper, long-term commitment with the world that is life-changing and join me in this prayer campaign.

The back-story is like an onion. There are so many layers I could peel back. There are years worth, as a matter of fact. However, I will spare you most of the details. Some of them are necessary, though.

When I was 19, I made a commitment to following the Lord and his Word far deeper than I ever had before. Prayer was my passion. Almost two decades later, not much has changed. On 01 November 2011, the Lord called me again to the deeper, more intimate life in the Word and in Jesus Christ.

I made a commitment to start writing books back in 2001, but have known since I was 10 years old that was what I wanted to do. Then, in May 2009, I made a full-time commitment to write. (Thank God for my husband!)

But, let me back up again in the story and peel off a couple more layers of the onion of my faith life. In Omaha, I had 20 close friends. We saw each other a few times EACH week. I was in two small group Bible weekly studies. Then, my husband and I moved to Virginia back in July 2011. I can count on one hand how many friends we have here. In fact, I don't even need all my fingers. I am not in a Bible study. I am in a different season at the moment. So, in Omaha, I did not write as much as I preferred. While here, I have more time than imaginable to write, do personal Bible studies, and pray. 

Now, having given that background, you need to know something. The Great Commission has always intimidated me. Go into ALL the world. Preach the gospel... It seemed like too much commitment to me. My heart has never personally been in full-time missions. I support them, but the USA is my home... There isn't a calling for missions. Nor is my calling to walk up to people on the street and ask them if they know Jesus. Yikes. Just the thought terrifies me. What would I say? 

So, did you read the previous blog post at: I ask that you read it at this time if you have not read it so you can get more of the layers and story here. Please do not read any more until you do. 

Welcome back. Now, do you hear how much of a 360 I've been asked to do? This is HUGE. This is so not me it's unreal. 

Are you tearing up? I am peeling back more layers once again. 

On Tuesday, 13 December 2011, I sat here at my desk. I was minding my own business and writing when I got an interesting email. Here is the link for it: Again, please go there before you read any further. It is another layer. (Please humor me.) And, yes. Some advertising and sales works. This is proof. 

Huh! I thought the book listed at that link, "The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears" by Mark Batterson sounded quite captivating. So, I went to this link (only go there if you want more information on the book or if you want to buy it.):

I was sold in about 30 seconds. I immediately purchased the book for my Amazon Kindle Fire (another God-sent which has completely transformed my faith. I am not kidding. I carry my Bibles, prayer journal, and Bible studies with me 24/7/365 now and am without excuse for not reading the Word, praying, prayer journaling, etc. But, I digress.) Then, I started to read it. 

The link that is the sale email states how "The Circle Maker" will give your prayer life a 360 is not a joke. It's not over-promising. The book delivers on that promise. The kicker... I will confess something to you. I am only 40% of the way through the book and my faith and life has been totally changed. I cannot underscore this enough. 

Please see Part 2 for the rest of the story. It's the next blog post.

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior and Faithful Writer
USAGC 2026

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