Monday, March 3, 2014

Your Daily Personal Journaling Template: Create One

Your Daily Personal Journaling Template: Create One

Today, I shared the following with you on this Faith Journaling blog:
My Personal Daily Journaling Template
365 days per year:
1 Daily Bible Reading
2 Past Memories, three at least
3 Blessings, three at least
4 An Extended Memory, at least one, a memory snapshot
5 My Memoir in Fiction, at least 1,000 words
6 Memories Made Today, three at least
7 News Journaling: at least three national and three world news articles and journaling about them.
8 SOC: Stream of Consciousness Journaling
9 Journaling Exercise or Prompt, at least one

I shared it to give you a sample, or example, of what your own personal daily journaling template can look like. It's time for you to create one of your own, after all, if you haven't already.
So, how do you come up with your own daily journaling template?
1 Make a list of everything you would want to know for on your great, great, great, great grandparents, if they had journaled.
2 Make a list of everything you want to journal, topics for each day.
3 Make a list of everything you would want to read in your journals on your death bed.
4 Make a list of everything you would want your children, and future generations, to read.
5 Make a list of everything you would want to share about your stories with your friends.
6 Make a list of everything you would want to share with others as your story.
7 What is your legacy? What should you write about?
8 What are your passions? Make a list.

Now, make a daily template.
You can't go wrong. You can change or adjust your daily journaling template each and every day, if you so.feel inclined. Just make sure you keep record of the skeleton, the template, each day and the adjustments you make.
Also, your last number is always miscellaneous or Etc. Etc. Etc., as I call it. This leaves you wiggle room.
So, go ahead. Do this today. You'll find your journaling far more enriched and deepened because of it.

-- Stacy Duplease, Writer
Sent from Amazon Kindle Fire HDX
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