Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 14: A Review Day

Day 14: A Review Day


I will be honest and upfront here. A Review Day is best spent all day and night long. It’s best as a retreat where we can spend as much time as possible in the review, so we can savor it fully.
I’ll confess. I’ve been known to spend more than one day on a Review Day. In fact, more often than not, I devote several days (two days to seven days) in order to do the best review. If you are doing this on your own, you might consider doing the same. After all, no one ever said you have to finish this in 40 days. The only concrete must, and requirement for this Devotional Bible Study, is to do this study every single day for forty days at the minimum.
But, do what you can today and in the future. It’s okay to return to all of this after you finish Day 40 and do more of a review at that time and as time allows. Also, review this study, and your prayer journal of it, every year or more. Again, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.


Re-read Day 1 and the parable. Prayer journal anything that comes to mind. Then, in your prayer journal, answer this: How am I coloring each moment and each day of my life? How have I colored each day over the last week? Then, write day 8, day 9, etc. and say how you’ve colored that day. Was it a dark one? An invisible one? Bright? Full of experiences and memories, so really bright and colorful, regardless of whether the moments were good ones or bad?


Then, re-read your Review Day Prayer Journaling, and I mean all of it, you did for your last review.

Things to prayer journal and contemplate as you re-read day 7 review and prayer journaling both:

Instruction: Make sure to answer each question below for each word, sentence, paragraph, page, AND day that jumps out at you from your day 7 text and your prayer journaling from day 7.
What jumps out at you? Why does it jump out at you?
What questions do you have?
How does this inspire and motivate you?
What does this mean to you and your life?
How can you apply this to your life—starting today? Write out an action plan to apply this to your life.
Why is this important to me to remember?
What am I saying to God?
What is God saying to me?
Take your time and be through as you re-read and prayer journal.


Re-read Days 8-13 and as you do, prayer journal about anything that jumps out at you, even in you prayer journaled about it before. What you write this time will be different than what you wrote last time, even if you write down something again. (The key is to notice those differences when you re-read your prayer journal.)

Things to prayer journal and contemplate as you re-read days 8-13:

Instruction: Make sure to answer each question below for each word, sentence, paragraph, page, AND day that jumps out at you from your daily readings.
What jumps out at you? Why does it jump out at you?
What questions do you have?
How does this inspire and motivate you?
What does this mean to you and your life?
How can you apply this to your life—starting today? Write out an action plan to apply this to your life.
Why is this important to me to remember?
What am I saying to God?
What is God saying to me?
Take your time and be through as you re-read and prayer journal.


Re-read everything in your prayer journal, including things you wrote today. And, as you do prayer journal about anything that jumps out at you. As you do, prayer journal all of the questions below for everything you write in your prayer journal:

Things to prayer journal and contemplate as you re-read:

Instruction: Make sure to answer each question below for each word, sentence, paragraph, page, AND day that jumps out at you from your prayer journal.
What jumps out at you? Why does it jump out at you?
What questions do you have?
How does this inspire and motivate you?
What does this mean to you and your life?
How can you apply this to your life—starting today? Write out an action plan to apply this to your life.
Why is this important to me to remember?
What am I saying to God?
What is God saying to me?
Take your time and be through as you re-read and prayer journal.


What are the top seven Bible verses that spoke to you the most this week? Write them, word for word, in your payer journal and answer the following:

Things to prayer journal and contemplate as you re-read:

Instruction: Make sure to answer each question below for each of the seven verses.
What jumps out at you? Why does it jump out at you?
What questions do you have?
How does this inspire and motivate you?
What does this mean to you and your life?
How can you apply this to your life—starting today? Write out an action plan to apply this to your life.
Why is this important to me to remember?
What am I saying to God?
What is God saying to me?
Take your time and be through as you re-read and prayer journal.


Practice your memory verses and prayer journal about them. What is God saying through them? What can you apply to your life and how? What are you saying to God?


Now, write a summary for everything you’ve prayer journaled today. The longer a summary you write, the better. After all, once again, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it.


Write out a prayer to God about the last six days, plus today. Make it a lengthy prayer. Pour out your heart to Him. Then, listen to Him for an hour or more after you finish saying your prayer.

Make sure to prayer journal all of this. Prayer journal your prayer and everything He says to you. 

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