Friday, November 30, 2012

Dreams Journaling Exercise

So, what are your dreams? What do you want to do with your life? Why don't you take some time to journal about your response to those two questions now?

Then, continue to answer the following questions:
* Are you in the process of making any of those dreams come true? Yes or no. It so, which dreams? When did you start the dream? What have you done to bring it to fruition?
* Look at each of your dreams and number them in priority order.
* Take a look at your number 1 dream first. Then, do the following with each dream:

Dreams are something that usually take years to make come true. They are not an overnight phenomenon. (NOTE: If you have some of those, they are goals. They are not dreams. Goals are short-term and are what you do to lead to making your dream come true.)

Goals are bite size chunks of actions you need to take in order to make your dream come true.

Answer these questions for each dream:
* Why is this a dream?
* How will you know when you fulfill your dream?
* What goals do you need to make your dream come true?
* Take each goal and write an action plan needed to make it be fulfilled. Then, put it on your calendar/planner.
* Every week, you need to check and see how each goal is coming along, along with each dream. You need to analyze that, along with what is working and what is not.

NOTE: Make sure to keep dreaming and make sure to dream big.

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

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