Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How are you different?

I do not know about you, but 9/11 changed me. It altered my life. My course was changed.


I am different.

The way I live and see life was and has transformed.

I have not been able to be the same again. I will not be. How can I be? THOUSANDS of Americans died on 9/11. Thousands. 

If my life was the same, they died in vain.

If my life has not been one of absolute faith and appreciation... what would it take? Millions to die?

We learned that day the cost of not living an intentional and alert life. We did nothing to deserve it. We were living quiet lives. But, some men decided we had to die anyway because they choose us to disagree with. Since we do not follow their extreme religious beliefs, we became their target.

We learned how sick and extreme thinking men could have. They believed then and still do that ALL must die who do not profess their faith. The one they worship will not return until all who do not follow are dead. 

This is their belief.

Do you profess? Remember if you do not, they want you DEAD. There is no middle ground in their belief. You either believe like them--or you do not.

Are you going to live freely--and not bow to any beliefs you do not believe in?

Are you going to live differently? Are you going to live a life of greater faith and appreciation?

Have you?  

-- Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer
Sent from my cell.

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