Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Amazon Fire HD

It was Christmas 2008 when my life changed.
That was when I got my first Amazon Kindle. It was the Kindle 2. My husband spoiled me and bought it for me.
The question at that point was: Could I make the change from paper books to digital books.
I collect books. If you were to come to my house, you would see 10 bookshelves JAMMED pack with books. I am talking multiple layers. (And, this is after 6 rounds of a ?Highlander full of books going to Goodwill and other used stores.
Why get rid of books? I have made the change. I am ALL in with digital books, apart from my 1st edition hardbound Harry Potter books from America and my hardbound English version as well (bought in England).
I am addicted to digital books.
If I find a free book I might read one day, I buy it. With digital, you do not have to worry about shelf space at home (need I mention moving them?!? My back aches just thinking about that.).
Then, last year for Thanksgiving, my husband bought me the Amazon Kindle Fire. (Can you see where this blog is going?) I have LOVED it. Loved it. LOVED IT! Although, there is  one major problem about the Amazon e-readers, opposed to paper books. However, the Fire has more of a problem than the Kindle 2. The problem: When reading in bed, if you fall asleep, and the device falls and hits your forehead, IT HURTS. The fire weighs more than the Kindle 2. But a book hitting your forehead is not as bad as either one of them. (Please tell me I am not the only one who has this problem!)
I digress.
So, of course, my husband is getting me another new Thanksgiving present... The Amazon Kindle Fire 8.9" 4G LTE Wireless device!!!
Sigh. (You know... The sigh of a groupie of a rockstar or famous author. That sigh.)
Do I need to mention how much I love my husband? Would you believe this is a man who does not even ask: "Why will this be better than the Fire I got you a year ago?"? No. He does not. He gets it for me anyway. Bless him.
I cannot wait to get it!

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA
Family Treez Blog and Website: http://familytreezusa.blogspot.com

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