Friday, December 2, 2011

A MONTH OF PRAYING THE WORD (Vol. 2): Day 13, Distractions, and Joshua 1:8

Hello, my friends and fellow sojourners on this journey with Praying the Word of God. I hope this journey has been a beautiful and exciting journey for you--full of adventure, wonder, awe, and moments that make you pause. I also hope you have not been too distracted. 

But, if you have been distracted, as I have been, what do you do?

So, how do you deal with distractions? 

First of all, repeat after me (You really don't have to, but you get the idea.):

"I will handle or deal the distractions. they will not handle or deal with me."

In other words, we deal with them and refuse to allow them to deal with us. We refuse to allow them to control us--even though they try to do precisely that. Once we get this mentality, we are ready to know what to do with the distractions as they happen. Here is what you do when you get distracted:
A Acknowledge it. 
B Do not kick yourself or come down on yourself. You are human. 
C Ask God to forgive you and to help you eliminate the distractions.
D Start to pray again with the first verse that comes to mind.
E Then pray the verses you had in mind to pray over the next 24 hours. 
F If you can, journal. Take a couple of minutes to write down all of your distractions so you can remember whatever you need and not have them on your mind now. They are written, so if you need to do something, you won't forget it. Then, try again.
F If it's really bad, stop doing whatever you are doing and open the Bible. Do your Daily Bible Reading--and tomorrow's as well if necessary. Find the time to do this. Distract your mind from your distractions with the Word of God and with prayer. (By the way, I've had to do several weeks of my Daily Bible readings at times in one day, mind you, to quiet the distractions which nagged me.)
H If you get distracted again, repeat steps A-H as many times as necessary.
*** WARNING: This is a lifelong project. *** 

So, it's that time again. We are going to continue with our topical study of meditating on God's Word. Would you please grab your Bible(s) and journal at this time and turn to Joshua 1:8. Then, go ahead and read the verse.
~*~ What did you learn as to how you should handle the Word of God? 
~*~ How should you not handle the Scripture?
~*~ What has god said to you through this verse?
~*~ What have you said to God? 
~*~ How can you apply this verse to your life?

Here is my version of this verse:

Joshua 1:8 PPP: I should meditate on the Scripture morning, noon, and night. I must not allow the Word of God to depart from my lips and be careful to obey and do all that it says. I will be successful with all I do and my way will be prosperous. 

(NOTE: PPP = paraphrased, personalized, and prayer version of this verse.)


Pray Joshua 1:8 and then one of the following below:

A 5 verses from the past you want to repeat.

B 5 new verses you choose. (Like a topical one if you, or someone close to you, are dealing with an issue or have questions.)

C 5 verses from Appendix A in this book.

D 5 verses from 365 Days of Praying the Word: Scripture List #1

E A combination of A-D. 

Stacy Duplease
Bible Study Writer & Blogger
A Loyal Faith

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