Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 8 Psalm 1:1 (Cont.)

Day 8 Psalm 1:1 (Cont.) 


8b My additional study  
One of the things I love about is how they put all of the commentaries on one page, like this for Psalm 1:1:

So, it makes it easy to look all of the commentaries on Psalm 1:1. 
During my personal study, I've discovered how 'blessing' means what brings and constitutes real happiness (Barnes' Notes on the Bible. Source: 

There is a real happiness given by the Lord, which is really joy. then, there is a happiness that is temporary and depends upon circumstances--and that is an earthly happiness. It's short-term and rarely lasts. It drifts with the wind, so to speak. Joy, heavenly happiness and blessedness, comes from the Lord and is eternal. It does not depend on circumstances. It's much deeper than that. Joy is found in God and in His Word, nowhere else. Psalm 1:1 reminds us of this.

A happy and blessed individual does not take part in wickedness, listen to it, remain in its presence, or support it in any way. In fact, those things, advice, circumstances, behaviors, presence, and people are avoided. They can lead us to temptation at the very least, sin is the next step if we keep continuing down that road.

We learn how walking signifies a way of life and how we should conduct our lives. Hence, our way of life should not include wickedness or sin, or those whoa re, but should include God and His Word. (Again, see: Barnes' Notes on the Bible. Source: 

If we are not to listen to the counsel or advice of the wicked, who should we listen to? The Word of God is the answer. Psalm 1:2 supports this as well. There is no other advice we should ever take. The Bible should be where we turn to first for answers, not second, third, or even last. (The Book of Proverbs and Psalm 119 are examples of this.)

I am to be careful with who I associate with.This is the bottom-line and who I listen to.

Something else, though, that comes to mind that I haven't read anywhere else is how I can be my own worst enemy. I can have the little antagonist sitting on my shoulder, trying to get me to justify my bad behavior. Hence, I can get myself into bad situations and give myself bad advice. So, it's important to make sure to test myself against the Bible as well.

There are two types of people in this world: believers and unbelievers. I should associate most with true Christians, not just those who profess it. Those are the ones I should be with the most. 
That being said, Jesus also hung out with those who were not the saints. He did so in order to bring people to God. However, He made sure to put himself in situations where he could handle what the sinners said and did. He made sure He could handle the situation with them. If He knew He couldn't at the time, He would go off alone to pray and be with His Father, God. Also, Jesus hung out mostly with believers. But, he associated with the ungodly--only in the situations he could handle--and not be handled by them.

Prayer journal your thoughts. 

Write a summary prayer and write it in your prayer journal, regarding Psalm 1:1.

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