Friday, October 26, 2012

NaNoWriMo, Preparation, and Life Goals

NaNoWriMo is in 6 Days
I cannot believe that National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo or NaNo for short) kicks off in six days. It seems like just yesterday I was counting down for NaNo 2011. time flies. 

Preparation Before Today
I am ready for NaNoWriMo. I realize I can always be more prepared. Therefore, I am not stressed about NaNo and writing 50,000 words in 30 days. Then again  it might have something to do with the fact that I write 3,000 words per day at the moment. I've spend the last couple of months preparing myself to do this. That way, when NaNo is here, and I only have to write 1,667 words per day, it will seem easy. (But, my goal is still 3,000 words per day--Monday through Friday--minus two days for Thanksgiving--and hopefully none for Hurricane Sandy.)

What NaNoWriMo Teaches About Life Goals (or Dream)
NaNoWriMo teaches a great deal about achieving life goals. Hence, the effects of NaNo in my life are far-reaching.

NaNoWriMo--writing a novel in a month is a goal. Right?

Writing a novel, as a goal, is no easy task--let alone in 30 days! Hence, it is not something that just anyone can do. It takes a passion, steadfastness or determination, courage, faith, and a lot of hard, intentional work. 

For every goal, we need a plan. We need to set up things to do or steps to accomplish along the way as we meet our goal. These steps need to be measurable  where we know it is a step we have done and is leading toward the fulfillment of stated goal.  And, we need to put those steps on our calendars. Every day, week, month, and quarter, we need to look and see how our fulfillment of the steps have come along, and if we might need to add more steps or delete some steps along the way. I also recommend journaling through each step along the journey of goal fulfillment. Then, one day, we will achieve victory--where we have achieved our goal--where our dream is realized.

NaNo has shown me how I CAN make my dreams and goals come true. Period. The only way it does not happen is determined by me. I can tell myself how tough it is, and how I cannot do it, but to what good does this serve? How does this attitude help? How will this make my dream or goal come true? 

Rather, I tell myself over and over and over-- I CAN do this! 

I make sure to set up enough action steps that I will be able to make this goal and dream come true. It's when I make the action steps too large that it makes it difficult for me to make my goal come true. Let me explain. If I set my goal to write 210,000 words in 30 days, that would be difficult at best. If I were to say I needed to write 10,000 words per day, it would also be difficult. However, I have had many days when I have done precisely that. I realize I need to LIVE as I accomplish my dream and goal. I do not want to only do my goal steps. I still need to eat, clean, shower, spend time with my husband, etc. So, I make sure to set smaller action steps I can accomplish. For instance, if I never have written before, or never done NaNo before, I would keep the 1,667 word count goal and do no more. 

Also, when achieving goals, and taking action steps, I understand some steps will take longer than I anticipated. There will be off days. Some days, I might only be able to write 500 words. But, the next day, I might be able to write 3000 rather than a 1667 day. I cut myself grace and not stress.

When going after a goal and dream:
~ It is critical I work hard. 
~ It is important for me to stay focused and keep my mind focused on the task at hand.
~ I must have courage.
~ I need to keep balance and not neglect everything else that is a priority in my life (God, Bible study, Husband, House, Critters, Family, Friends, Eating Right, Sleep, Exercise Etc.) 
~ I must keep trying. 
~ I need to cut myself grace when things do not go as well as I hoped. 
~ I must never, ever give up. 

It just takes a commitment and lots of trying. It really is that simple. 

Stacy Duplease
Thriller Historical Fiction Writer
The Chronicler and Roanoke: The Family Treez of the USA Series, Book #1
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

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