Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Storykeeper Odyssey in 2013: Post #6 My Personal Journaling

The last two days of journaling three of my memories has rocked my world. It has befuddled and amazed me. I never would have expected what happened. I know I have talked a little about this in a previous post; nevertheless, I want to go more into depth at this time.

How did I choose the three memories I chose? I did one memory at a time and picked the memory to work on that spoke to me the most and grabbed my attention. Then, I started to write whatever came to mind about each memory. And that was where things grew most interesting. I wrote about one typed page total of each memory. The first paragraph or two was where I wrote just the facts. There were no surprises there. It was after that the surprises came.

I wrote things I never expected and was able to glean new insight. I cannot stress that enough. It blew me away and that is putting it mildly. I learned how each of those memories shaped the woman I am today and why I do the things I do--and never realized.

The best part was how I kept making notes to write more about a sentence later. Moreover, I never would have thought of the stuff on my own if I hadn't journaled. Also, I did not use any prompts or a memory snapshot yet on any of these memories. Therefore, realistically, I will write another two to three pages on average for each memory. I will expand more on them later for my memoir. Never
mind how I also remembered several new memories I had forgotten and added to my Future Journaling of Memories List.

My life has been changed because of these new insights. I had not recognized how much things influenced me then and now--until I journaled about it this week. This is huge. Massive. Life-altering.

A week ago I would not have imagined any of this. I was rather I intimidated by the 125 memories list and wanting to write more in-depth accounts over 2013. Now, I cannot help but think I look forward to more of the same in 2014... and that thought does not intimidate me.

How exciting!

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author

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