Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My writing will never sell... I don't like it (and other excuses we use not to write)

I think it's time for me to get very real with you and hope you can learn from the numerous and daily mistakes I've made. I hope you can learn vicariously and not have to experience it for yourself.

Let me start this paragraph with a truth: I am NOT bragging. I am the type who can write an entire novel from beginning to end in 2.5 months. Literally. I, also, have written well over 50 novels. That sounds good, right? That sounds like something you'd like to do, right? It increases the chances of finding a novel that is salable, right? (So, I can tell you how to write a book fast! I'm practically an expert--and am teasing by the way.)

Hah. Not so fast.

How many books have I had published? Seven. That's it. 


The answer to why depends on the hour of the day. Let me list several of them here. But, what it all comes down to is one thing--which I will share with you in a moment. Why haven't I had more books published? The reasons are those in which I am sure you can relate:
~ I don't like them.
~ The writing is terrible.
~ I don't get around to editing them.
~ I lose interest.
~ I come up with a new idea.
~ I don't think it would sell.
~ I don't have enough time.
~ I don't like part of the storyline.
~ The characters don't win me.
~ I get bored with it.
~ I'm not good enough. 
~ I don't dedicate myself to it. 
~ Too many things to fix--don't know where to start

Can you relate to any of those with your writing--whether it's a paragraph of a full-fledged novel? 

Do you know the one thing every single one of these have in common? 


The real question to ask yourself, which goes with the real problem we have, is: 

Do I want to write a book?

If the answer is yes, then none of the above excuses should stop you. 

Commit to writing a book. Period. That's the solution.

Now, with that being said, I want to take it to another level.

Are you writing the right genre?

You might have just answered yes. You just might be right, too. However, I recently learned, after trying several, that when you find the right genre, nothing will stop you. It's easier to get determined and commit. 

So, ask yourself again...

Are you writing the right genre?

If your genre isn't one that exists... Don't let that stop you. Write it anyway! You can change the publishing industry. Build a reader platform and publishers will have to look at your work. 

So, now that we covered all of that.... 

Are you committed to writing a book? And, are you committed to the right genre? Ready for NaNoWriMo?

Don't let anything or anyone stop you--including you! 

Stacy Duplease
Author of Historical Fiction, Blogger, & Journalkeeper
My historical fiction blog & latest book information: Word count for Yorktown's Dawning
My writing fiction & NaNoWriMo blog: Another NaNoWriMo Confession

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