Friday, October 7, 2011

NaNoWriMo Countdown

NaNoWriMo is in 24 1/2 days! 

Thanks to some new writing buddies, I am getting more and more prepared. (Thank God!)

How is your preparation going? 

NaNoWriMo Tip: Remember it's never too late--unless it's 15 November, of course. 

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Author, Journalkeeper, & Blogger 

My historical fiction blog & latest book information: Writing historical fiction: The Siege of Yorktown
My writing fiction & NaNoWriMo blog: 26 days, 14 hours and NaNoWriMo


  1. Just found your blog from a Nanowrimo comment and well I have to say your blog's really interesting, in particular as I've decided to take part in Nanowrimo for the first time this year. Will be following your progress and Nanowrimo/writing tips here on the blog!

  2. Thank you for your comment, areedhel.

    Good luck with NaNoWriMo. What's your page/name and I will sign you up as one of my buddies when we are able.

    How is your NaNo preparation going? What are you writing?
