Monday, November 4, 2013

7 Where is This Headed?

Lord, I have the feeling I am on the precipice of something really big. Thank You. Please help me stay open to You, Your voice, and Your guidance. Help me hear You very clearly and know what You want me to do and/or learn. Them, help me to respond fully and immediately.
Today is 04 November 2013, Monday, it is 547 a.m. and I thought about how I am on the precipice of something really big last night. I cannot help but think it even more now. It really helps to be informed and study the Word of God. I have learned so much the past three days, particularly what all the Bible, Lord, says about always giving thanks.
It's amazing, Lord, how verses we know well and can recite, how we don't really pay attention to each and every word, let alone apply them to our lives. Then again, it also isn't surprising because when we read Your Word, we read with the lens of the present moment and might need and/or want the stuff from that verse or passage that applies to our lives now. This is wrong. It's called prooftexting and is when we pick and choose from the Bible what we want to read, when, and apply only what we choose to our lives. We, instead, are to take the totality of the Scripture and apply it to our lives.

I have had my eyes opened to more of a godly vision over the last four days and realize how much prooftexting I have done. (Ouch.) Talk about convicting. This is another way I know I am on the verge of something big in my faith. Thank You, Lord, for correcting me and showing me the real way to go in this moment.

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