Friday, November 16, 2012

Make each day and journal entry count

Yesterday, I talked about how important it is to write at least one sentence of a journal entry every single day, 365 days per year. I cannot stress this enough. 

One sentence is bare minimum, however. The ideal is to a great deal more over time. But, start with one sentence per day. (Do 1 sentence per day for a week. Then, do 2 for a week at a minimum, then 4 sentences for a week, etc. The next thing you know, you will be journaling for a 30 minutes--then 1 hour per day. In fact, sometimes  you will journal for hours in a day. But, all of this comes in time, habit, and experience.)

The key here is to make your sentence, or however long your journal entry, count.

Let me repeat:
Make your journal entry count.

Don't just write: "Today was a decent day." Or: "I did dishes, cooked, and worked."

In a year, when you re-read that, will you remember that day? 

Rather, talk about something memorable from that day. In other words, what stuck out to you--good or bad? What got your attention?

So, for the one sentence, it can be something like these examples:
~ I focused on joy today.
~ I focused on this quote or scripture today...
~ I counted my blessings for having the spouse I have today. 
~ I realized my priorities have slipped.  
~ I wish there was more time in the day.
~ Busyness is making me live a mediocre life.
~ I remembered when I was little how for Christmas, the tree fell over and I had no idea how my mom could cuss. 
~ My dream came true today of...
~ I lost my job today at this company...
~ I am scared for the USA.
~ I've been walking around in mindless living. 
~ I miss...

These are deeper sentences. As a matter of fact, after you write that one sentence, you might not be able to stop writing and might feel compelled to write more. Saying, "Today could have been better " doesn't necessarily want you to journal more. You bore yourself. The other deeper examples are the opposite. 

The whole goal of living is to live well... Not just get by. So, how are we living today to make it memorable? If we are not, well... that tells us what we need to adjust. We should make each day count and each journal entry count. 

I recommend this even if you are beyond the one-sentence per day journaling. Go deeper. Don't just be shallow. Make your day memorable. 

***** TIP: If, at the end of you day, there was nothing memorable... Remember something from the past and get that written down on the page. Then, tomorrow, make sure you live a memorable day in some way--whether it is something you do, think, realize  plan, or focus on a motivational quote or scripture. Those can also be your making your day count sentence or journal entry. *****

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images online.)

~ Stacy Duplease

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