Monday, September 26, 2011

NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month #1: A Blog Post Series:

November is NaNoWriMo every year and has been for 13 years as of this November.

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. 

Check out their website at: for more information. 

I took place in NaNoWriMo in 2009 and 2010 and was a winner both years. All that means was I actually wrote the required word count of 50,000 words in 30 days. Saying I am a winner sounds pretty impressive, but anyone can do it and can be a winner. (Trust me. If I can, anyone can!) 

This is my first blog post regarding NaNoWriMo for 2011. 

Writers, would you care to join me? I would love to link arms with you and run this race. Individually, we will compete with ourselves. But, it's far better to have someone by your side. If you're interested in going through NaNo together, let me know. Either attach a comment at the end of any of my posts on this blog or send me an email. We can encourage one another. Also, if you've never done this before, I can give you some tips. 

It doesn't matter if it's online, through email, through comments posted on this blog, or phone call. Everyone is invited to join me in this crazy and fun endeavor.

If you live in Virginia in the Hampton Roads area, holler. We can meet-up somewhere for this venture as well. 

~ Stacy Duplease
Author of Historical Fiction (of Virginia and the U.S.) & Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
Latest Book: "Yorktown's Dawning"
Latest Historical Fiction Series: "The Chronicles of the Siege of Yorktown"
Check me out on Facebook under my name. Also, check me out on twitter @hisfiction


  1. Ooh I've always wanted to do this but I can't imagine how much time it takes, plus I have no idea what I would write about!

  2. Well, you have time to come up with an idea! (Wink, wink!)

    It does take a great deal of time, but probably less than you might think. There are a few secrets to help you maximize your time.

    Feel free to ask me questions about it and see if you might be interested in it this year--or in July (or next year even)! There is a JulNoWriMo as well, by the way. I want to do that in 2012. It would be a first for me.
