Thursday, January 31, 2013

Use your journal to unwind through the busyness of life

I don't know about you, but there are weeks I am so busy I barely can remember my own name, let alone get everything done that needs to get done, never mind want to get done.

These are the times I know I need a break. Period. But, hah! These are the times I cannot have a break for maybe weeks to months. Sigh.

Have you ever been there?

It seems like life takes over and you are trying to go along for the ride, but you've lost the grip of one hand and are trying to hold on with the other--as you go for the ride.

These are the times that journaling would be a nice reprieve  but I barely have time to breathe, let alone journal... Or so I think.

So, how can I unwind and hold on to some of my sanity through these moments? How can I let things go for a few minutes so I can?

1 I try to steal time to journal a sentence here and there throughout my day.

2 I make sure to journal a paragraph before I even get out of bed in the morning and a paragraph before I go to sleep. I want to start my day off with something that I can control and it helps me prepare for my day. Then, I end it with journaling, no matter how late it is or how tired I am--and I sleep better because I let things go. I put them in my journal. I free my mind so I can sleep and not dwell on things.

I am always amazed by doing this journaling helps me get through the busy times with my sanity still intact and I feel much better because of it.

Now, it's your turn. Try it.

What are your thoughts?

~ Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Memoir Writer

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