Thursday, January 31, 2013

Are you too busy? Journaling Saves Time

Are you too busy?

Do you have at least an hour a day Monday-Friday, and at least two hours per day on the weekends, of free time?

If not, you are TOO busy.

Do you journal at least an hour a day--and have an hour to two of free time--through stealing time? Try it. It works. I've mentioned it before, but we each have lots of down time in our day--where we are waiting and can journal.

I guarantee if you journal at least an hour a day, you will have MORE free time and will be less busy. Do you want to know why? Your journaling puts your proprieties in order and you start to do what you do in a more productive way. It saves time. Think I'm crazy? Try it for 90 days and get back to me. You'll see what I mean.

Steal some journaling time: when you are on hold, while waiting in a line, while cooking, while waiting for appointments, on break, in the restroom, in the car driving, while exercising, etc. I'm talking journal with a pen or computer--or an audio tape, ion case you were wondering.

Journal more and save time. Trust me. It works. And, you'll be less stressed and anxious, less tired, and will feel more purposeful as well.

How can you beat that?

~ Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Memoir Writer

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