Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Warning to Journalkeepers: Keep Journaling and Be Blessed

Note: Even if you are not going through a hard time in your life or in your journaling, read this blog post. You need to know what to do and expect when it happens. I guarantee. It will happen. 

There will be times when you go through challenges in your life. Things pop up and you can't journal or write--or do either like you would prefer. You're too busy trying to get through the challenge. 

Or, journaling might lose its appeal for a while.

Or, you might get too busy to journal. 

Tragedy also might happen.

Take all of these for what they are. Each of these things is meant to keep you from journaling or journaling as deeply as you should. 

What this usually means is you've struck a chord. You are on the precipice of something wonderful. you are on your way to a major breakthrough. Something amazing is about to happen. (I cannot stress this enough.) 

But, it will only happen, if you keep journaling. 

Granted, you might not want to journal. Or, you might be too busy putting out fires to be able to journal. Or, your journaling might be trash (in your opinion, but not in reality) and not what it could be. 

Whatever you, do not ever stop journaling. That's your biggest mistake if you do. You will lose your rhythm and your train of thought. The breakthrough will be hindered and halted. In fact, it might pass you by because you didn't seize the moment. 

So, whatever you do, KEEP JOURNALING. Do not stop. Ever. 

In fact, during these times, journal more. If you journal more trash than anything, it's okay. Even the trash will be useful to you later. Trust me. Persevere. 

Keep journaling.

And, add a comment to any blog post -or get on my Google+ community and say, "Help! I am struggling." Let the community rally behind you. We can encourage you and help you through whatever you are dealing with.

Give your journal a chance.

Give us a chance.

And, great things will happen. 

They really will. You will be greatly blessed. 

~ Stacy Duplease

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