Sunday, January 22, 2012

365-Day Remembering Journal Project: Day 1: An Introduction

Welcome to the 365-Day Remembering Journal Project.

This particular blog series is geared for those who have journaled before and those looking for journaling hints, starters, ideas, suggestions, etc. 

Also this journal project is geared more for the serious, diving deeper, self-reflective, memoir style, self-discovery type of journaling. It is not meant to be a creative journal. (But, if you turn it into one, go for it and enjoy!) 

If you are looking for a how-to journal book or resource, you might want to focus on the 365-Day Journal Your Story Project. 

The 365-Day Remembering Journal Project is to help you journal about your past, present, and future. It is meant to help you not only record your memories, but to evaluate your life. This journal project is meant to help you live intentionally, with constant awareness so you learn the most from your past, live the best today you are able, and plan for the best future. It is meant to help you discover who you are, who you were, and who you hope to be. This 365-Day Remembering Journal Project is meant to help you know what holds you back and what needs healing. It is meant to help you set goals so your future can be all that it can be. This journal will help you heal, give you vision, and help you remember in years to come what has happened and who you are as a person. 

We change and transform through the years. But, what has led to the change? Has the change been for the better? When you journal you record where you are so you can look back later and evaluate the journey. That is another reason to do this journal project.

I have had three people in my family who have been touched because of memory problems. One had Alzheimer's. Another had dementia. And another had a head injury. I journal so I can remember my memories and the memories of those around me. One day, these memories might be forgotten. But, if they are written, they are not lost. 

I also realize as I age, I will not remember as many things. I journal to help me remember. 

My life is a story. Your life is a story. Our stories are intertwined. All stories are. This is why stories are so sacred. They are worth remembering. That is another reason to journal. 

Too often, through the busyness of life, we tend to lose focus. Busyness has us, busy that we cannot think with clarity. We tend to forget things. We lose perspective. We forget what matters most of us because we are so busy doing. We take the present for granted. We forget how time is fleeting. If you do not live well today, and with everything you've got, then the moment is wasted. 

That is why journaling is so critical. It helps us to remember the present and not take it for granted. It helps us to live intentionally. 

~*~ TO DO
Any time you see this symbol: ~*~ it means it is something you need to do regarding your journal. 

Take out your journal answer the following questions:
1 What does journaling mean to you?
2 What do you hope to get out of the next 365 days and why? 
3 What do you want to remember? Why?
4 List 10 memories from your past.
5 What three memories did you make today? 

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

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