Monday, February 6, 2012

365-Day Journal Your Story Project: Day 12: Memory Snapshot Journaling of the Good and the Bad Stuff of Life: Part 1 of 2

Yesterday, we looked at Quick Journaling. Today, we are going to look at going a little deeper and at capturing moments in time in our lives. The memories in our lives, good and bad, need to be remembered. They have shaped who you are today and that is something to be celebrated (Yes! Even the tough stuff.). The journaling we will do today (and tomorrow) is focused on making snapshots with words.

Now, I need to go on a little tangent and then I will bring us around to Memory Snapshot Journaling.

Now, I imagine there is something I said in the first paragraph that might have caught your attention. Let me repeat what I said: Yes. Even the tough memories are those we need to remember and commit to memory.

Why would I ever dream of making such a claim? It sounds contrary to common sense... Right? Well, let me explain.

But, first, let me warn you. What I say after this paragraph might be considered a little intense. I just want to warn you so you know to expect the possibility. I do not want you to be caught unaware. 

If we only choose to remember the good stuff in life, we are living a false life. We lie to ourselves and to others. Period. 

If we have worked through our stuff, then, it does not hurt too much to talk about, think about, or share with others. That is not to say there is not a sting at times, but we are mature enough to know that we learn the most through the tough and challenging times in life usually and not through the sunshine, picture sky, mountain top times. We will talk about these over time and share with others so that they can learn from our experiences--so they do not have to do so on their own. We learned lessons and not sharing them is taking them for granted. 

Am I making sense here? I hope I have not stepped on any toes here. That is definitely not my intent. 

Do you have stuff in your life you try to avoid, deny, forget, or pretend never happened? If so... Did it happen in the last two months--so the bad stuff is fresh? If so, I am not referring to this stuff. This nasty stuff in your life is too new to have learned many lessons at this point. If you can, do memory snapshots. If it hurts too much, wait a couple of weeks and try again.

But, if you have anything in your life older than four months that you do not want to talk about or remember, I recommend kicking the door open once and for all. Your life is being actively and intentionally held back. You are not living the full and free life you could be. Do memory snapshot journaling of the stuff you try to deny, forget, or avoid. If you do not want to do so, you should seriously consider seeking professional help immediately with a professional counselor or pastor. Enough is enough. You deserve better. Freedom and fullness of life await you. Seek it.

Deal with your past and stop letting it deal with you. 

Re-read the previous sentence as many times as it takes for you to take it to heart. 

We will talk a great deal more about the tough stuff of life as we go throughout this year. But, I had to touch on it here before we continue moving forward with any kind of journaling. Dealing with the past is essential for every single one of us. Once we do, we can finally soar! And be joyful, peaceful, content, and happy.

Let us not remember only the good stuff. Let us stop living a lie and choose to live in reality. 

Again, I am sorry to be harsh. The truth is not always easy to swallow. It can sting. It can even kick our butts at times. But, the truth sets us free--and that makes it worthwhile. 

PLEASE NOTE: If at any time you feel too upset to carry on with this journaling exercise, try to add more of a description of your positive memories. If that does not help you feel better, take an hour break. Then, try again. If you still are upset, take the rest of the day off of remembering stuff from the past. You might want to list recent memories instead for a while. List as many as you can. If none of this helps, you might consider talking to someone and see if that helps. Or, vent it out in your journal. My point is, if it is too difficult, do not push yourself too hard. Some discomfort is healthy, but not to the point of depression or fury. 

~*~ What in your life do you not want to think about? List it.
~*~ What in your life do you not want to talk about? List it. 
~*~ What in your life makes you feel uncomfortable--past, present, and past? List it.
~*~ What in your life do you want to avoid? List it. 
~*~ Make a list of the top 10 strongest and most powerful memories in your life for the positive. 
~*~ Make a list of the top 10 strongest and most powerful memories in your life for the negative. 
~*~ Now go back and write a sentence or two summary of each of the 20 memories you just listed. 
~*~ Wait a couple of hours and do your next ten strongest of each. Repeat all of the steps above with other memories you have not listed yet. 
~*~ If you feel like it, repeat this until you have every strong memory you can think of written down.

Yay! We survived a pretty intense day of journaling. We will talk more about memory snapshots tomorrow. See you then. 

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

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