Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Journaling and Storykeeping Encyclopedia of 2013


My last blog post shared my new blogging and writing vision. This is a continuation of those thoughts.

The idea came to me on what my blogging goal of 2013 was and let me know how to organize my blog posts and what blog posts to write in 2013. My passion is teaching, encouraging, and inspiring people to journal daily and get all of their memories on the page in 2013 and beyond.

I also realize I want to publish all of my blog posts in book format. But, it needs to be organized. So, how?

I decided, through the promoting the Lord, to write the first ever:


Wherein, I will take all of my blog posts and organize them from November 2012 to 31 December 2013 into THE JOURNALING AND STORYKEEPING
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF 2013. I will offer an ongoing FREE and unedited version throughout 2013 in my Smashwords store. Then, in 2014, I will add material,edit it, and publish it for a cost on Smashwords and Amazon Kindle and a paper version on Amazon.

This has never been done before in history. No dictionary or encyclopedia has ever been written on journaling or memoir.

Then, in 2014, I will write new material and blog posts and will add them to the 2013 edition and publish the newest version in 2015. I will do this every year as long as I am able.

I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am. This is my niche. This is my life purpose. I now know why I was called by the Lord to be a journalkeeper and writer, along with teacher and encourager of journaling and memoir writing.

I am so excited to go on this journey with you. After all, there would not be this blog, my Google+ Journaling and Storykeeping Community, or the thought of this encyclopedia without you.

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author


  1. How do you come up with these ideas as I'm shaking my head. What a brilliant idea. Your encyclopedia on journaling. Will you be sharing some of you journaling (encyclopedia) in this blog? I'm so intrigued by your inspiration.


  2. How do you come up with these ideas as I'm shaking my head. What a brilliant idea. Your encyclopedia on journaling. Will you be sharing some of you journaling (encyclopedia) in this blog? I'm so intrigued by your inspiration.


  3. S, thank you for what you said. I honestly have no idea where I get my ideas. They just hit me all of the sudden. All of my blog posts, that apply to journaling and memoir writing will be included in the encyclopedia--plus additional material. I will put them in encyclopedia form, though, rather than in the form of a blog post. Does this make sense?
