Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Journaling Retreat

I am taking a 3-Day Journaling Retreat this week (Wednesday-Friday). I will also do two days next week, but am not sure which days at this point. I am doing it from home, by the way.

So, what is a Journaling Retreat exactly? It's when you take one day to ten days of focused time to do nothing but journal. I plan on a minimum of 8 hours per day. 

As a matter of fact, I have taken my planner/calendar out at least five years and have my plans for my Journaling Retreats on it already. I do at least an one-day journaling retreat each month. And I sprinkle 2 to 10 days each month throughout the year. (For example, January might have a 7-day retreat, February a 3-day, March a 10-day, etc. I hope you get the idea.) Then, once a year, I go out another 2 to 3 years in my planner. 

If you work full time and have children, it might be difficult to commit to 8-hours per day. Do at least double of what you normally journal. And, do not let anything stop you from journaling--even if you have to give up sleep. You will find the energy you get from taking a journaling retreat will fuel your body and soul. However  do at least 5-days of a 24/7 journaling retreat once a year, along with a 2-day and 3-day.

I get my journaling retreats on my calendar so that nothing, other than hospital visit or death, can prevent me from going on one. There is no other excuse to stop me from journaling. Period.

Schedules fill up quickly. Time passes quicker than we realize. That's why. 

~ Take the total amount of hours that you plan to do for this journaling retreat and divide by three. Write that figure and amount of time down. Each third represents: Past, Present, and Future.

~ PAST: Look at your past journaling entries, and your Journaling Reviews in particular. Do a Journaling Review Template on them. Do a SOC (Stream of Consciousness Journaling). Make sure to write down more past memories. Do journaling about several of your past memories. Expand these memories and their accompanying journal entries. Where have you come from? What have you experienced? How was your journaling? what have you learned?  Also, do whatever you desire. 

~ PRESENT: Where are you today? If you could live the perfect life today, what would it look like? What would it take for you to accomplish this feat? If you could do the perfect journaling today, what would it look like? What would it take for you to accomplish this feat? How is your journaling in the present? Do several SOCs. Do several journaling prompts and exercises.

~ FUTURE: Where do you want to be in the next month, 3-months, 6-months, year, 2-years, 5-years, 10-years, 20-years, 25-years, 30-years, and every 10 years thereafter? What are your dreams? What's your bucket list?  If you could live the perfect life in the future, what would it look like? What would it take for you to accomplish this feat? If you could do the perfect journaling in the future, what would it look like? What would it take for you to accomplish this feat? How is your journaling in the future? Do several SOCs. Do several journaling prompts and exercises.

Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author
The Remembering Your Present Journal Keeping Series
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Storykeeper 2121

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

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